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Garlic, Salt, and Pepper Red Potatoes

I need to be real with you guys today: these potatoes will change your life.

No, I’m not joking. They will completely change your life.

I made these potatoes last week, and let me tell you, I could not quit eating them! Something about red potatoes’ natural flavors really shine through in this recipe and are highlighted by my three favs: garlic, sea salt, and pepper.

Furthermore, this recipe can easily be doubled and made ahead. These potatoes will keep a few days in the fridge (if they last that long before you eat them all – trust me, it’s a tough call!), and they are super simple to throw together. Plus, besides cutting up the potatoes into large chunks, there is little hands-on work. Want to know a secret? You could even make it easier on yourself by purchasing small baby red potatoes instead of regular red potatoes to save yourself time!

Either way, the potatoes boil and bake and do most of the work themselves, thereby leaving you tons of time to prepare the rest of dinner. All you need is a protein (baked salmon, hamburgers, roasted chicken) and some veggies (sautéed kale, steamed carrots, a big salad) and your meal is complete!

Enjoy whipping up these potatoes sometime this week, and feel free to switch up the seasonings or potato type. Parsley, paprika, cayenne. Golden potatoes, regular russet potatoes, sweet potatoes. The combinations are endless!

Happy eating!

My Journey of Nourishment

A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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